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Model Railroad Hobbyist | March 2016 | #73 Joe Fugate R REVERSE RUNNING commentary Model railroading is going to the dogs We’ve all heard it – the hobby of model railroading is going to the dogs. Pick your favorite complaint: the hobby is getting too pricey, kids today don’t see trains in real life any more, model railroading is just a hobby full of old guys, rivet counters are ruining the hobby ... and so it goes. I read a lot of old model railroading magazines and the current hand-wringing by modeler railroaders is just the latest in a long series of previous “the hobby is going to the dogs” scenarios. Back in the late 40s and early 50s, it was plastic is going to kill the hobby – soon it’s going to be filled with cheap junk and the hobby will loose its appeal. Plastic simply can’t be used to make nicely detailed models like cardstock, wood, and metal can. Yep, they XX STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH A CONTRARY VIEW • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS