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Model Railroad Hobbyist | March 2016 | #73 STAFF NOTES the new MRH Staff Pick award ... and more Every so often, one of the MRH Staff will run across a great web resource for model railroading. Or, someone will post something really useful to the MRH website forums. We’ve decided to recognize the best of such resources with the new MRH Staff Pick award. An MRH Staff pick is a notable non- commercial web resource that we, the MRH Staff, feel has great material and is something modelers should bookmark for their reference library. Also, we want to recognize the authors of this material for substantially giving back to our hobby with these well-executed efforts. If you get selected for this award, we send you an official signed certificate and we recognize you here in MRH magazine. We also add you to an official page on our website that lists all the MRH Staff Pick resources. We also encourage you to include the staff pick logo on your website and in your resources like PDFs or videos you produce. • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS