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Model Railroad Hobbyist | March 2016 | #73 PUBLISHER’S MUSINGS Joe Fugate editorial Painting models in a post-Floquil world Floquil and the related acrylic PollyScale line were for many modelers the go-to paints for model rail- roading. But as we all know, Testors discontinued the Floquil/ PollyScale line of paints in 2013. The hobby has good post-Floquil/PollyScale alternatives, but we need the replacement paints mapped back to familiar Floquil/PollyScale color equivalents to make getting weened off these now-defunct paints easier. To that end, MRH is start- ing two color-mapping projects, one for “acrylics” (defined as water-cleanup paints) and another for “lacquers and enamels” (defined as solvent-cleanup paints). This month I’ll talk about the acrylics mapping since those are my preferred paints. Next month Assistant Editor Don Hanley can discuss the solvent-based paints mapping since he prefers those. I gave up Floquil paints and moved to PollyScale water-based paints back in the 1990s. Floquil’s solvents had an intense chemi- cal-like odor and after I had a couple of frightening episodes get- ting double-vision from Floquil solvent odor inhalation, I moved to PollyScale and its less problematic fumes. • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS