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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2016 | #72 MRH Q-A-T column compiled by Joe Brugger Questions and Answers What color is your sky? Q. I have never had much luck at consistently mixing paints and matching them later.  So, I am looking for a formula or off-the-shelf color from one of the big-box stores that would make a nice sky color.  Any suggestions or a recipe would be great.  Mostly I’m just curious as to what base color folks use for the sky on their model railroads. —Tim the Trainman A. Anything from dead-fish white to pitch black could be cor- rect. Location, time of day, time of year – all sorts of factors influence the sky’s color. On a model layout, the color is also affected by the ambient lighting and the viewing angle. Get sample paint cards from your dealer and look at them both in sunlight and under your layout lighting. We’ll start with paint colors other modelers like. XX MRH QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, AND TIPS • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS