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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2016 | #72 PUBLISHER’S MUSINGS editorial Joe Fugate Building for the future When building a layout, do you wonder what parts will go the quickest, and what parts will take the most time to do? Having built several layouts – my current Siskiyou Line is layout number four – I can tell you benchwork goes in fast. Benchwork for my rather large Siskiyou Line, which is more complex than some with its mushroom configuration, took only a few Saturdays of work. After the benchwork, things slow down. Roadbed and trackwork, if done right, will take some time. Wiring, if done by adding feeders to every rail section, will also take time and goes much more slowly than benchwork. Adding rough scenery, dirt, grass and bushes also is slower than benchwork, but goes faster than trackwork or wiring because it doesn’t need a lot of measuring and testing. Did you make that rock larger than expected? No matter. It’s just a bigger rock. Then comes the slowest part of the hobby – the detailing. Adding scenery details, building structures and bridges, as well as detail- ing rolling stock and locos – that’s what really takes the time. I’ve • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS