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Model Railroad Hobbyist | January 2016 | #71 R REVERSE RUNNING commentary Joe Brugger The boys at the club RECOGNIZE THESE MODEL RAILROADERS? “I’m Here for the Fun Phil” — Has never been seen with a paint brush, car-building project or vacuum cleaner. Always first on the call board for the monthly op session. Also first in line for donuts and lunch. “Peter Pauper” — Complains dues/new engines/swap meet admission/ structure kits/free calendar prices are too high but rolls up to meetings in his fully restored mint muscle car. Likes to talk about all-brass layout at Palm Springs winter home. “Wayback Willie” — Favorite phrase is “we never did it that way at the East Smogbank Model Engineers Society,” and bemoans the passing of outside third-rail O gauge model railroads. Is saving large collection XX STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH A CONTRARY VIEW • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS