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Model Railroad Hobbyist | January 2016 | #71 MRH Q-A-T column compiled by Joe Brugger Questions and Answers Sticky figures Q. I want to glue some HO figures to a hard surface (sty- rene sidewalk). What is the best glue for this so they can be removed and then repositioned somewhere else? —MSTSMAN A. Trainmaster247: Some of the small double-stick dots might work. I don’t see those being very obtrusive and they wouldn’t be permanent. Or, mount your person to a movable sidewalk tile so they can be rearranged. Note: One brand is “Glue Dots.” Search for “double-stick dots” online, or look at craft and art stores. Whether you use glue, dots or poster putty, test a spot of the material on the scenery surface to assure yourself that it won’t leave an unwanted grease spot. XX MRH QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, AND TIPS • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS