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Model Railroad Hobbyist |January 2016| #71 ASSISTANT EDITOR editorial Don Hanley Do you know where your layout is? It’s January 2016 and the holidays are over. Forget about the New Years resolutions. If you think about it, more often than not resolutions are a source of grief because you aren’t able to follow through. If you are among the 99.9% of the population, within a month you have forgotten them, so why waste the energy and time? Instead, look for something that you can do on your layout. The new year is a good time to seriously assess where your lay- out is, where you would like it to be, and determining the steps to get it there. Here are some general questions that are good starting points to ask yourself. 1. How often do I go into my layout room or space? 2. Do I enjoy going there? 3. Am I happy with my layout overall? 4. Are there sections of the layout that I would like to do differently? 5. What do I need to do to make the changes? • INDEX • TABLE OF CONTENTS