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Model Railroad Hobbyist | December 2015 | #70 DCC IMPULSES column Bruce Petrarca Details of DCC Consisting In a prior column, I discussed a bit of consisting in the Mr. DCC’s Workbench segment. This month, I’m going to dig into it a bit more with specifics for different brands of DCC systems. But first (insert trumpet fanfare here), this is a milestone for me. I have been writing this column for four years as of the October 2015 column. There were a couple of columns missed along the way, so this is my 48th column. Wow, time flies, doesn’t it? Let’s get our heads out of the publishing world now and back to model railroading and DCC. What is a consist? I was discussing this column with my wife, Linda, and she asked, “Do your readers know what a consist is? I really don’t, but I hear the term all the time.” So, let’s get this out of the way. Prototype practice refers to the make-up of a train as the consist. Model railroaders refer to XX DCC TIPS, TRICKS, AND TECHNIQUES MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX