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Model Railroad Hobbyist | November 2015 | #69 GETTING REAL column Nick Muff Modeling the Kansas City Southern Railway | Mainline South – Creating the “Ozark Mountains” WITH BENCHWORK, TRACK WORK, AND wiring out of the way, it was time to bring the mainline to life with the addition of scenery. 1. First things first After being away from scenery and structures for so long, it was tempting to begin with Grandview, Missouri as the first stop for the Southern Belle south of Kansas City. But that would mean I would be working over this area to create my section of the Ozark Mountains. I followed my own rule: start at the back and work to the front. Work on the most inaccessible portion of the layout first. For me that meant the far-back right section which was located over the helix. I have used many different techniques to create scenery in the past. Plaster over screen wire, Hydrocal-soaked towels XX MODELING REAL RAILROADS AND WHAT THEY DO MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX