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Model Railroad Hobbyist | November 2015 | #69 MRH Q-A-T column compiled by Joe Brugger Questions and Answers Focus-stacking software Q. Does anyone know of a digital camera that incorporates stacking software in the electronics of the camera? It seems to me this would become a progression of camera technology. —gogebic A. Focus stacking involves taking multiple photos of one subject. Each photo has a different focus point. The software selects the points of sharp focus in each and combines the image data to create one with great depth of field.  Selector: Many cameras have image stacking, but it tends to be limited to smaller sensors that struggle with noise in low-light conditions.  I have a super-zoom Fuji Finepix HS20 EXR that in one mode will snap three quick exposures of indoor scenes where a face is to be prominent.  Internal software combines the three to render a decent composite. XX MRH QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, AND TIPS MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX