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Model Railroad Hobbyist | November 2015 | #69 STAFF NOTES Make it run like a dream ... and more 2016 is the 25th anniversary of Joe Fugate’s Siskiyou Line. As part of commemorating his layout’s 25th anniversary, Joe is compiling his 25 years of experience getting things to run well into a series of books we’re calling: Make it run like a Dream. There will be three books in total, one on trackwork, one on rolling stock and one on locomotives. Joe says of these books: “These books are born out of my own experiences trying to get my HO layout to run as well as possible. The layout’s still a work in progress, but this series takes real life issues I’ve encountered over the last 25 years and gives the solu- tions that solved these problems. I also share the preventative principles I live by so many problems never even come up.” In Trackwork, Joe discusses his preventative measures, his trackwork wiring methods, how he cleans the track and tunes MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX