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Getting Real | 9 ADVERTISEMENT up a set of HO stairs for a project [8] which cost just under $12 plus the shipping charge. Months later, an O scale modeler emailed me and asked if I could make that same part available in O scale. That was a simple request and I only needed to upscale the part by 181 percent. But the price for the O scale stairs came to nearly $80! The problem is that dou- bling the scale of the part actually increases the vol- ume of the part by a factor of eight. As an example, a cube 1 inch square would have a volume of 1 cubic inch (1” times 1” times 1”). But a 2 inch cube would have a volume of 8 cubic inches (2 times 2 times 2). I could have reduced the price by reducing the size of the various components but it still would have been more than he was willing to pay. MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX