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Model Railroad Hobbyist | October 2015 | #68 IMAGINEERING column Michael Tondee Modeling a signature scene | A lot of imagination and a little research bring a project together As a freelance model railroader, a lot of things over my years in the hobby have influenced me and my idea of what a model railroad should be. I thought the best way to introduce myself is to share one of my modeling projects. One of my favorite model railroad scenes is a picture from John Allen’s original 3 x 7 Gorre and Daphetid. It’s a night scene of a lit pas- senger train crossing the small trestle above Taylor Lake: the whole area with the trestle, lake, dam, and mill makes a great “signature scene.” Of course, once the G&D was expanded to a larger layout, this became just one of many memorable scenes. My layout, the “Blackwater and Blue Hollow,” is nowhere near the size of the G&D, but it does need at least one signature scene. Obviously, I didn’t want to copy someone else’s scene, but the XX EXPLORING THE CREATIVE SIDES OF THE HOBBY MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX