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Model Railroad Hobbyist | September 2015 | #67 STAFF NOTES “One module” challenge contest ... and more We’re kicking off a new contest this issue: the “One Module” Challenge Contest. In a nutshell, this is a contest to design the first module of a home layout that’s to be built in separate pieces. These sections do not need to follow any modular standard, although they can if you want. See the contest announcement to the left for all the details. One reason we’re promoting this contest is to drive home the idea that using sectional methods to design and build a home layout is an excellent approach to the hobby in the 21st century. It works like this: pick some interesting scene, town, or indus- try for your layout (called a Layout Design Element or LDE in layout design parlance), and design a single “module” or section around it. We will use the term module below for convenience, but remember, we’re referring to a generic layout section, not something following any particular modular standard. MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX