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Model Railroad Hobbyist |August 2015 | #66 GETTING REAL column Mike Rose Finishing an entire aisle of layout Part 2 | Mike Rose Works On Five Buildings At Once SOMETIMES WHEN ONE CONSIDERS THE arc of a project, it’s important to keep the starting point in mind. The future big Masonite plant at Towanda (on the prototype it’s actually in the neighboring town of Wysox) was represented for a very long time by a big ugly cardboard box. It was so ugly, in fact, that I had a very hard time finding a photo of it! Since it was so non-photogenic nobody, including myself, ever took pictures of it! I hope Mike Confalone will forgive me for this one, but this is a shot of him switching in Towanda [1] during an op session in May of 2014. That puzzled look of consternation is what happens when you hand a Digitrax guy a full-featured NCE throttle! Almost dead center, behind the cars and cardboard cylinders, is what passed for the Masonite plant until the efforts of first quarter this year. After I had gotten Towanda Yard under XX MODELING REAL RAILROADS AND WHAT THEY DO MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX