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A R ailroader ’ s R ailroad by Barry Karlberg ‘Throwaway’ for a finished basement covers the basics ... My layout doesn’t strictly follow a true prototype. It is based on ideas I have seen and used on the prototype in my work. I choose what I like best and what I think will make a simple, realistic railroad. The era is 2000 to the present. My theme is a very basic railroad which connects with the Canadian Pacific/Soo, a Class 1 rail- road. The short line handles freight for a half dozen customers during the week. On the weekends it allows a local railroad museum to run steam passenger trains on its short main track, which is a little less than a scale mile long. Construction The layout is designed to be easy to build, maintain, and oper- ate while at the same time doubling as a way to illustrate MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX