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Model Railroad Hobbyist | August 2015 | #66 IMAGINEERING column Doug Geiger, MMR The corporate image ... Freelancing can take many forms on your model railroad, from developing an imagined history to making up a name to establishing a corporate theme. It can inject the fun back into model railroading. Of course, the defini- tion of fun is probably different for each one of us. How many of us have concentrated so intently on modeling the prototype that we have forgotten to have fun? Has the technical side of the hobby so dominated the creative and artistic side, that we can no longer laugh and enjoy the hobby as it once was? I hope not, since applying freelancing ideas to your model railroading will be my subject for this new “Imagineering” column for MRH. Almost all of us freelance our track plans because no model rail- road space is large enough to portray a real railroad’s physical size in perfect detail and layout. Thus no hobbyist can claim to be a true 100% prototype modeler if they have a layout. Of course, all freelancing needs to have some grounding in prototype practices for it to be believable. Sure, you can put XX EXPLORING THE CREATIVE SIDES OF THE HOBBY MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX