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Model Railroad Hobbyist | January 2015 2015 | #65 | #59 Model Railroad Hobbyist | July YES, IT’S A MODEL compiled by Don Hanley 1. Terrance Boardman posted photos on the MRH forum of his Santa Fe boxcar. The boxcar is an old Roundhouse kit, as is the CSX boxcar. He thinned down the stirrups. Terrance lightly sanded the flat surfaces with 2000 grit wet-and-dry paper to reveal some of the color behind the lettering and to smooth out any blemishes. The car is weathered with a very light beige/ rust color wash to fade the red; the color is wiped off to leave a see-through coat. Light touches of rust are added to make a fantastic-looking car. XX MRH’S MONTHLY PHOTO ALBUM MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX