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Model Railroad Hobbyist | March 2015 | #61 Joe Fugate R REVERSE RUNNING commentary The end of youth in the hobby? I’ll just get right to it: are us older guys in the hobby killing the hobby for the youngsters? Marketing 101 says you go where the people are if you want to successfully promote something, and for today’s youngsters, that’s online. Facebook is becoming somewhat passé for teens (but not irrelevant), currently apps like Instagram are the hottest thing. Just bring up Facebook on the MRH forum and the Facebook detractors come out in droves, insisting that people should not waste their time on any social network, social network founders are evil, and so on. Now wait a minute – that’s where the next generation is largely hanging out – on social networks. So you’re actually suggesting we old codgers just ignore hanging out where the kids are? XX STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH A CONTRARY VIEW MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX