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Model Railroad Hobbyist | March 2015 | #61 MRH Q-A-T column compiled by Joe Brugger Questions and Answers Silver solder Q. I have my soldering work station set for 750˚ F. Does it need to be higher for silver solder? My station goes up to 850˚ F. I’m making a very long N scale chain link fence, planning to sweat the joints together with silver solder which is supposed to be stronger than normal solder. The contact points of the two fence poles are very tiny indeed, hence the need of something strong to work. I’ve tried all kinds of glues but they’re a no-go. —rsn48 A. The easy answer is to experiment with the solder and set the heat so the solder will melt at the touch, without waiting. Pelsea: I think there is some confusion between silver solder, which is a type of brazing wire, and silver-bearing solder. These are often called hard solder and soft solder. Silver solder is an alloy of silver and indium or copper (there are other varieties), XX MRH QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, AND TIPS MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX