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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | #60 GETTING REAL column Mike Rose Seeing it all the way through | A productivity surge IN MY LAST “GETTING REAL” COLUMNS, August 2014 ( out-building-productivity-1), and September 2014 ( magazine/mrh-2014-09-sep/gr_layout-building-productivity-2), I’d just come off of a massively productive surge of layout building that had a deadline or two driving it. Believe me, there’s nothing like a deadline to get something accomplished, which is part of why I like being a columnist for Model Railroad Hobbyist. The surge allowed me to present a sensible clinic at the New England Proto Meet in June, and also served as the material for the afore- mentioned columns. But what happened after that? Could I keep the momentum going? A review of the previous columns will give you a sense of the starting point for this next assortment of work. Although I’d made huge strides by building and installing more trees than I XX MODELING REAL RAILROADS AND WHAT THEY DO MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX