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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | #59 Joe Fugate R REVERSE RUNNING commentary The importance of community model railroading can be a lone wolf hobby, but it can also be a great team sport if you include things like operating sessions. These days with the internet and the many model railroading blogs and forums that exist, model railroading can also be a group activity online. And of course, going to meets, shows, and conventions also give ample opportunity to connect with your fellow modelers. For me, it’s the group activity part that really enhances the enjoy- ment of the hobby! I love attending shows and getting to catch up with old friends. And operating sessions bring everything on a layout together in a way that’s extremely enjoyable for me. But I want to focus here on the internet, especially on the MRH website, with its forums XX STEPPING OUTSIDE THE BOX WITH A CONTRARY VIEW MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX