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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | #60 FEBRUARY NEWS column Richard Bale and Jeff Shultz Rod Goodwin 1937-2014 Roderick Allan Goodwin of Almonte, Ontario, passed away December 24, following a lengthy battle with MDS. Goodwin, a native of Nova Scotia, was 77 years old. Goodwin was an enthusiastic model railroad hobbyist throughout his adult life. He was an active member of the Ottawa Valley Associated Railroaders and the Mississippi Valley Associated Railroaders. He maintained an online index ( rd_item_control.php) of various hobby magazines including Model Railroad Hobbyist. Goodwin was a respected computer consultant throughout his career, working with such compa- nies as Commercial Cable, Formex, IBM and the Department of National Defense, as well as consulting across the United States. Rod Goodwin is survived by his wife Betty (Lilly), three daugh- ters Margie, Barb, and Becky, and three grandchildren. XX THE LATEST MODEL RAILROAD PRODUCTS, NEWS & EVENTS MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX