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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | #60 STAFF NOTES MRH’s new Imagineering column, update on ePub MRH, and more ... For the last few decades, accurate prototype modeling has become quite popular in the hobby. The more precisely you can model a prototype, the better, it seems. While high-fidelity prototype modeling is certainly cool, there’s a lot more to the hobby than realism and fidelity to the prototype. There’s also what we might call the more “artsy” side of the hobby. To give more air time to the artistic, imaginative side of the hobby, we’re starting a new column in MRH called “Imagineering: Exploring the creative sides of the hobby.” Like our Getting Real column, the new Imagineering column will have a rotating collection of columnists, so readers get a broader perspective on this part of model railroading. While the more freelancing element of the hobby is certainly a part of this new column, it’s much broader than that. Anything that takes MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX