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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | | #59 #60 Model January 2015 YES, IT’S A MODEL compiled by Don Hanley 1. NP1847 began as a Kato Mikado and a GHQ W-3 kit, plus addi- tional parts from GHQ to customize the domes, smokebox front, and tender shell, plus all scratchbuilt piping, pipe hangers, and appliances, including the Elesco pump, boiler jacket clamps, and too many other parts to mention... Replaced the driveline with a Maxon coreless with a 4:1 gearhead. Video of a shakedown run before the detailing and painting were finished can be viewed here, pulling 65 cars. Max Magliaro upgraded the Kato Mikado. XX MRH’S MONTHLY PHOTO ALBUM MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX