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Model Railroad Hobbyist | February 2015 | #60 PUBLISHER’S MUSINGS Joe Fugate editorial Back in the saddle again Once MRH went monthly (2011), I’ve not worked on my HO Siskiyou Line layout much because MRH was just taking too much of my time. Now that 2015 has rolled around and the NMRA National is coming to Portland, Oregon (practically in my back yard) this August, it’s more important than ever to get back to working on the layout. I’ve done a few piddly projects on the layout for an article in MRH over the last few years, but I’ve not done any serious work on the layout for three years now. And I ceased regular operat- ing sessions midway through 2011 as well. With the convention bearing down on me in just eight months, I’ve been able to rearrange my responsibilities to give me time to work on the layout again. So it’s back in the saddle for me! If you’ve ever taken a hiatus from working on a layout – espe- cially a larger layout, then you know how things can get. There’s deferred maintenance (cleaning the track, cleaning the loco wheels, adjusting turnout throws) and there’s also a million little projects I’d like to do, but where do you start? MRHMAG.COM • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INDEX