News column - 19
an undecorated model. The ready-to-run models will have fac-
tory installed Micro-Trains couplers. Delivery is planned for fall
2015. Additional information including an interesting history
of the prototype is available at the website. Whether or not all
of the above schemes will be included in the final production
schedule is dependent on advance reservations.
Trains by Randy Brown
has sev-
eral new cast resin structure
kits including this Sierra Madre
Fruit Packers shown above.
The company also produces
similar kits for Z through O
scale. Visit the website for complete details including ordering
Micro-Trains Line
several new Z scale
models including this
Great Northern twin-
bay covered hopper car.
The ready-to-run model has an MSRP of $24.15.
Also new from Micro-
Trains is an ACF 39’
single-dome tank car
decorated for COSX Mid
Continent Petroleum
Corporation of Tulsa,
Oklahoma. The Z scale model has an MSRP of $23.95.
MRH-Dec 2014