57. MRH14-11-Nov2014-P - page 93

This is the second motor. The first one wore out after 15 years
of daily use. Three air outlets are built into the base, with
shutoffs to run various air brushes. Roof-mounted lights cast
bright light on the paint project. A 16 x 24“ air filter slides
in from the top to catch paint particles that could clog the
blower fins and cause air flow to be lost. There is an air dryer
with a regulator and air pressure gauge. Copper ½” tube was
soldered together to run the air from this dryer to the three
outlets that supply air. It is a great painting tool that looks
good in the shop. The polyurethane finish matches the rest of
the decor in the studio. On the video you can actually see it
at work.
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