57. MRH14-11-Nov2014-P - page 139

After all the painting was complete, I airbrushed the figures
with a flat clear overspray. [40] shows the painted figures. Have
fun painting the figures. If you don’t like the way they look, you
can always start over.
I didn’t glue the figures into the caboose yet. The original win-
dows were fogged, so I replaced them. I carefully pushed each
window out from the inside. The silver frame around each
window holds it in. The frame is held in place by a pins in each
corner. No matter how careful you are, these pins are bound to
break [41].
After all frames and windows were removed, I gently put
them back in. Why did I not replace them with clear styrene?
36. The sanding is complete and the figure is ready to
be repainted.
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