Milwaukee &
Saint Paul (left);
the ready-to-run
model will be
available for Detroit & Lima Northern; U.S. Military Railroad;
and Baltimore & Ohio (below).
The classic
steam engine
will also be avail-
able painted
black with gold trim but without lettering.
Atlas has
included a re-
tooled Trainman
series 40’ dou-
ble-door boxcar
in the second
quarter release. Tooling upgrades include reworked sides,
Youngstown doors, and Improved Dreadnaught ends. In addi-
tion to the Santa Fe car shown here, decorating schemes on
the N scale ready-to-run model will be Gulf, Mobile & Ohio;
Norfolk Southern; Pennsylvania Railroad; Southern Pacific; and
Union Pacific. The model will have an MSRP of $19.95. An
undecorated version will list at $14.95.
Atlas will reissue its N scale
Trainman series of “beer-can”
tank cars with new road names
in the second quarter of 2015.
Decorating schemes on the
News column - 15
MRH-Oct 2014