Road names
will be Santa
Fe, Chesapeake
& Ohio, Penn
Reading, Lehigh Valley, and Delaware & Hudson.
Three numbers
each will be
available on a
new run of
ACF 5250 cu.ft.
Center Flow covered hoppers. Introduced by ACF in the 1960s,
the rounded body of the Center Flow design provided structural
strength as well as an inducement to gravity unloading.
Road names in
Athearn’s May
release will be
Archer Daniels
Hoechst, El Rexene, Firestone, GATX, and Columbian Plastics.
Completing Athearn’s May release schedule will be a group of
Ford F-100 panel trucks decorated as emergency vehicles. They
include Police (black and white), Police (all black), Fire Rescue
(red), Ambulance (white), and Fire Chief (red with black fenders).
News column - 6
MRH-Oct 2014