fairly balanced on my layout, with a slight leaning toward switching
over mainline running (getting close to the 121% cutover level).
Also notice my layout has an 85% space usage percentage, as com-
pared to the other single deck track plans that all have a space us-
age of about 50%. Multi-deck designs typically push well beyond
50% space usage, with some triple-deck designs (generally, the
third deck is hidden staging) exceeding 100%.
Looking at the maximum cars needed on the Siskiyou Line, one
gets faint-hearted realizing 500-800+ cars will be needed for full
operation! What have I gotten myself into?
4: Joe has found the formulas and stats shown here
that he computed while designing the Siskiyou Line
have been proven out in over a decade of op sessions
on the Siskiyou Line. Thanks to these formulas, Joe’s
layout dynamics are pretty much as expected.