for just under $6 from one of those big-box retailers, so count-
ing the few drops of glue you’ll use, figure a basic module will
run you around $2.00 [1].
To put one of these modules together, get out a single sheet
of foam-core, and grab some Unitrack that is 310 mm long.
(Unitrack track comes in multiples of 62 mm, so a single piece
of 186mm track from Kato 20-000 and another 126mm piece
from a 20-040 snapped together make the needed length.)
This track becomes your gold standard measure, since you’ll
1. Shown are the basic materials necessary: some
foam board and glue. A pen helps you mark where you
will cut, a simple retracting knife does the cutting, and
a straight-edge keeps the cut nice and straight.