Getting Real Column - 8
43. In this view the entire foam backdrop is almost
100% in place and it’s making me feel much better
about this side of the peninsula. Compare this with the
earlier shots and the fact that I’d been living with that
mess for too long!
44. With the foam in place it was time for dirt. The foam
is easily colored with latex paint (I use cheap, $10/gal.
“off-mixed” paint from places like Home Depot and
Lowe’s), a large brush and a squirt bottle of water to
spray furiously as you rapidly paint the surface. I credit
my buddy Mike Confalone for that method. It’s effective
and fast. While the paint is wet I sprinkle real dirt over
the entire surface. Here, no blending with Sculptamold
was done, although I did sprinkle a little green and got
scolded for it by Mike!
MRH-Sep 2014