DCC Impulses Column -12
Modeling clay
– Yes, this is a tool,
not a consumable. Try a toy store,
art store, or craft store. The art
stores may be more expensive,
but have some non-sticky ver-
sions and other versions that can
be hardened into a template.
Magnetic cutting mat
– I bought
this at a craft store, in the scrap-
booking section. I bought an
assortment of magnets to use
with it. The mat is not magnetic,
but will attract magnets put on
it. Mine came with the stainless
steel ruler with a magnet at-
tached to the rear of it.
Machinists blocks
– I use sev-
eral in different sizes to keep
things square while I'm gluing
them together. Use a chisel
blade in your hobby knife to
remove any glue or foreign
matter on them. If you sand
them, you risk changing their
exact right angle.
MRH-Aug 2014