Customline sedan, and Mainline sedan all in authentic 1955
Ford paint and trim. A tentative release date has been set for
Concept Models
has released kits for two HO
scale depressed-center flat cars. Shown above is a KWUX 10
16-axle heavy-duty depressed-center flat car. The prototype is
145’ long and has a load limit of 875,000 lbs. The load platform
is 38’ long. The kit is priced at $89.99.
Equally impressive is this 142’ Kasgro KRL depressed-center flat
with a 42’ loading platform. It has a load limit of 1.26 million
pounds. The eight four-wheel trucks on the prototype have 38”
wheels. The kit is priced at $49.99. The transformer load is sold
separately. Concept Models kits consist of resin castings and
assembly hardware. Hand grabs, ladders, related metal details,
trucks, and couplers are not provided. Assembly instructions
are photo illustrated.
Downtown Deco
) is scheduled to
release a new HO scale kit late this month called “Gone Bust
Block”. The kit includes painting and weathering instructions