How to assemble the kit
Before starting assembly, check the sides for length and height.
They should match exactly. Mine were the same height but not
the same length. I carefully sanded the longer side until the
two sides were the same length. It is essential that the ends
and sides match each other. If they don’t, the model will be out
of square and the underframe or the roof will not fit without
gaps. Resin can sometimes shrink in the molding process and it
is not unusual for parts to be different sizes.
Now it is time to do some assembly. Read the instructions
before starting. Sometimes there are hidden treasures for you
to find. Familiarize yourself with the assembly sequence. For
this kit, after reading the instructions I changed the sequence.
6. All of the resin parts with flash removed and ready
for assembly.
Build your first resin car - 4
MRH-Aug 2014