53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 77

1. Utilizing the Atlas frame design to install 31 mm speak-
ers in a Dash 8-40CW.
Many modern locos have frames designed for speaker installa-
tion, whether they are fitted with sound at the factory or not.
While these designs may not be the very best sonic design, they
are usually much better than what can be easily fabricated after
the fact. So, if your loco is set up this way, I recommend that you
utilize the manufacturer’s design at least as a starting point.
Beyond that there are many techniques to get the best sound.
I’ll show you what I’ve done that I think resulted in good
sound. They are arranged roughly in the order of increasing dif-
ficulty. There are many other locos that are set up similarly to
those shown, so don’t despair if your specific loco isn’t shown.
Look for something similar and get creative.
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