53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 272

Trackside Scenery
has O scale kits
for shallow relief tene-
ment structures. The
kits combine photo-
realistic print sheets
with laser-cut wood
components to create
a shallow 3D structure.
Currently available are
variations of a run-
down three-story tene-
ment building. The kits
are available direct with
pricing for O scale ver-
sions starting at $31.95. Visit the above website for details. See
our HO scale report for an illustration of an unassembled kit.
released several
new kits for HO
scale freight cars
including the 50’
Denver & Rio
Grande Western boxcar shown above. The model is based on
a double-door, riveted-side prototype with Dreadnaught ends
built during the late 1950s and early ‘60s.
Also new is a kit for a 40’ Fruit Growers Express steel reefer
from the late 1940s. HO scale kits for two road names
News column - 5
MRH-Jul 2014
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