53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 239

Future Plans
The layout is nearly complete, and aside from small tweaks, I
will be spending time running and operating the layout.
I am in the NMRA MMR achievement program, and have
earned three certificates. I am working toward the final four.
This is an ongoing goal and I will hopefully reach it soon.
John Diamond has been model-
ling for more than 30 years, mostly
of Northern American railroads.
These settings have provided a much
broader canvas from which he could
draw inspiration.
Although on a smaller scale than
many layouts featured in US pub-
lications, John has been working
on a bedroom layout for the last 9
years. It is only with the support
of his loving wife, Wendy, that he
has been able to persevere through
many physical and medical trials,
bringing his layout to near comple-
tion. However, as we all know, lay-
outs are never truly finished.
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