53. MRH14-07-Jul2014-P - page 105

7. Here’s what I ended up with as a finished project. The
screen is held in by screws, a spacer, and epoxy glue. It’s
all smoothed and painted to match the finish of the fly swat-
ter handle. In the video I walk you through the project in real
time as I think-tank the project out loud. You can hear the
wheels turning.
8. Filling the open-top hopper with War World Scenic’s
4 mm static grass for the first time.
9. Here’s how the gun looks while shaking the grass out of the
hopper screen. It drops into the glue and stands straight up as
it dries. The black wire is grounded in the foam scene on a nail.
The whole scene is wet with glue. This circuit between the nail
and the wet surface creates the static charge that makes the
grass stand up. It works really well and costs less than $10.00.
The fly swatter was on sale for $1.79.
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