50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 84

12: Thisphotoof the25 inEl Portal shows themarker
bracketson the rear of the tender alongwithflaghold-
ers for extras and sectionswhen running in reverse.
Twobrakeman lanterns andapair ofmarkers are stored
on thebackwall of thecababove thecanvas curtain. –
on the log trainsduring theweekas trainsNos. 8and9,would
be run light toMerced formaintenance/inspectionand then
return toMercedFallsonMondaymorningprior to itstime-
tabledeparturetime. SinceAugust 4thwas aFriday, thedis-
patcher coveredall threeextras ina single trainorder (13).
It tookmemanyyears anda coupleof interviewswithYV
employees to learnhow the two locals actuallyoperated. The
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