50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 120

Bear Creek&South Jackson-
Photography– I like tomake it lookas real as I can.When
blownup large, does it feel like I could step into the layout?
TheBC&SJmeets all these. Now that I’mmostly retired, it’s
becomea focal point ofmy life. I don’t spendmuchtime
wondering, “What should I do today?”
Planning theBear Creek
Thefirst versionof theBC&SJ, started in1997,was a4x8
twicearound. The secondwas a328 square-footmulti-deck
nolix (around the roomhelix) design. Iwashappilyatworkon
the second layout in2000when three littlewords turned the
(scale) universeupsidedown.
“Land for Sale”
3: RS-2 “pickles” descending themainline fromOakhill
atDeschutes Jct. areabout toenterMill Bend. Apair of
BC&SJ2-8-0 steamerson theDeschutesbranchwait
for them topass.
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