Deluxe Innovations
)hasdecals for
truckcabs tomatch someof thecompany’sN scale trailers. The
decalsaredesigned forKatoVolvo tractorsbut canbe readily
adapted forotherbrandsof trucks. Produced forDI by
Microscale, each sethasenoughmaterial fordecoratingat least
fourunits. Carriernames currentlyavailableareSwift, J.B.Hunt,
ArnoldTransportation, andRyderTruckLeasing. Visit theabove
website forpricingandordering instructions.
Microscale Industries
has released several
newHOandN scalewetdecal lettering systems, including
sets forEastern shortlineper-diemboxcars (GoldenTriangle
GTRA, ValdostaSouthernVSO, ErieWesternERES, Corinth&
CounceCCR, andBath&HammondsportBH–above left) and
News column - 18
CitiRail diesel locomotives (CREXES44AC, Capital FinanceCEFX
AC4400CWandSD70Ace–above right).Alsonewareassorted
“Ghost” lettering sets foraging trailers (RioGrande, Conrail,
SantaFe, IllinoisCentral, Preferred45andTrailVan),Milwaukee
Roadpost-1947heavyweightpassenger cars, andvarious
PROCORPROX tankcars. Visit theabovewebsite forpricingand
additional illustrations.
Mask IslandDecals
) nowoffersHO
decals for Southern50050’ PS-112' plug-door (item87-001P
and87-117), andDLGX LewisGrain4750 cu. ft. coveredhop-
per in1977-1979 scheme (item87-247). AlsoCopper Range
40' boxcar new1948 scheme (87-248), CM&O40' boxcar in
1955-1954 scheme (item87-249), andCE&I 40' boxcar innew
1966 scheme (item87-255). Concluding thenewdecal releases
areNorthHampton&Bath40' boxcar new in1966 (item
87-253), andNH&B70-ton twin-bayhopper carsnew in1976
(item87-254). Visit theabovewebsite for pricingandordering
) is sellingHO
scaledecals forPRRX42boxcars (includesdata for letteringone
car ineither thecirclekeystoneor gold leafpassenger schemes),
Pennsylvania-ReadingSeashoreLines cabincars (will letter four
cars), andPennCentral andConrail ex-PRRF33flat cars (material
to letteronePCandoneCRcar). Visit theabovewebsite forpric-
ingandordering instructions.
)has released
newHO scale lettering sets forDL&Wcoveredhopper cars.