49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 38

Jeff G. applies thinned latex house paint with a brush. “Lay a
few lengths of track and brush with house paint thinned 50/50
with rubbing alcohol or water.  After ballasting the track, you can
thin this paint even more and use it as a wash over the ballasted
track to tone it down/grime it up even further. Dave Frary's scen-
ery book covers this.” The book is “How to Build Realistic Model
Railroad Scenery.”
Tom Haag, K-Pack, and Rob Spangler (2) use Rustoleum camou-
flage spray can colors for track. Rob has been painting and bal-
lasting yard track using dark brown camouflage for most of the
track, and dry-brushed additional weathering on top of that.
After the ballast is complete he paints the sides of the rails, and
adds some weathering powders.
2: The track and ballast on Rob Spangler’s Western Pacific
layout are colored with Rustoleum camouflage spray paint.
Rob Spangler photo.
MRH-Mar 2013
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