49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 245

2: The barrels
are an O Scale
resin casting
from Rusty Rail
Part Number
I started by
MicroLux Rust
29005 as a
primer. It stuck very well and gave some “tooth” for the
rest of the colors. I then brushed the barrels with Roof
Red 29010, Dark Green 29017, Boxcar Red 29015, and
Rail Brown 29001. The gas can was painted with Signal
Red 29020. The sledge hammer handle was painted
with Dirt 29025, with the handle done in Flat Aluminum
29026. The barrel openings were painted with Rust
29005. I varied the coverage of paint on the barrels.
Some was brushed very lightly to allow the rust under-
coat to show through. It was easy to vary the amount of
paint applied. When I needed the paint a little thinner,
I dipped the tip of the brush in water and wiped most
of it off on a paper towel. This left the brush tip slightly
moist. I then dipped the tip of the brush in the paint. The
paint was just thin enough to allow for light coverage.
It was a little thicker than a wash. This feature makes
MicroLux paint very versatile.
I would usually continue finishing the barrels with a
combination of washes, pigments, and pastel pencils.
For this article on the basic coatings, I stopped at the
painting step.
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