49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 159

to the prototype) and apply some weathering. Do this even if
the parts are already cast in black plastic, I have found that it is
easier to weather tanks on tank cars before applying the rail-
ings and grabirons. Many modelers airbrush and weather car
roofs before assembly as well. The rest of the weathering will
come after the cars are completed.
Step five: Road test:
With construction complete, it is time to perform a road test.
Check the coupler height with a gauge (you do have a gauge,
right?), and adjust if necessary. Make up a string of the new
cars and run them around the layout for a shakedown cruise.
Watch for wobbles, and note if any cars derail (hopefully
none). If the same car derails more than once, pull it off to the
15: A recently assembled string of reefer cars is run
through their paces to determine if adjustments need
to be made. The train usually is run around the layout
a few laps, and then run in reverse to find if any of the
cars need adjustments.
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