49. MRH14-03-Mar2014 - page 101

The pump house
. These are always small buildings, usu-
ally containing only the valves and pumps needed to move
product around, into, and out of the tanks. I had on hand part
of a Like-Like Trains kit for a stock pen, which, as a frame struc-
ture, looked suitable to me. (More recent versions of this Life-
Like kit don’t include the building.) The McGraw Oil kit provides
small brick structures for the office and the pump house, but
would not be typical in the east or midwest, but is typical in
the west.
I simply painted the structure the same light gray as the ware-
house, and then painted the door and windows the same
shade of red used on the warehouse trim.
31: The completed office/warehouse, with roof and
rooftop sign installed, signs on end of building, and
trackside loading dock attached.
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