Convention Information
You can visit the Virginia Rail Express at the “Capitol Limited”
N Scale East Convention in Chantilly, VA this August. Hosted by
Northern Virginia NTRAK, the Convention celebrates 40 years
of NTRAK Modular Railroading. The convention will offer a tour
of the VRE shops near Chantilly and provide Railfan maps and
info to attendees.
More information at:
John Drye is our N-scale editor and
columnist. John Drye has been
model railroading since receiving the
traditional Lionel set at age 8. John
is currently building two layouts: an
N scale switching module based on
the modern Norfolk Southern, and
a basement layout based on the
transition-era Pennsylvania Railroad.
When not doing trains, John works as a contractor for the
US Navy and volunteers for the American Red Cross and
Operation Lifesaver.